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来源:趣趣ABC少儿英语 时间:2019-06-05 10:44:33

   Sam is an old man. He likes walking in the street after supper. And he goes home at seven o’clock.


  But a car stops at his house tonight. A policeman helps him get out. Then he tells Sam’s wife, “The old man got lost in the street. He asked me to take him home in the car.”

  但是,今天晚上一辆小汽车停在他家门前。一名警察帮助他下了车,然后他告诉萨姆的妻子: “这位老人在街上迷路了。他让我用汽车送他回来。”

  After the policeman leaves, his wife asks, “Sam, you go to that street every night. How can you get lost?”


  “I am not lost. I just don’t want to go home on foot.” Sam answers.



  tonight n. 今晚,今夜

  get lost = be lost 迷路

  leave v. 离开

  on foot 步行


  1. Sam likes walking in the street after lunch. ( )

  2. Sam does something wrongly, so the policeman comes. ( )

  3. He is not lost. ( )

  4. He doesn’t want to walk home tonight. ( )


  1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T