旷工:The rate of absenteeism is rising in middle and high schools.
会计:Can you take care of the accounting on this project?
指控:The lawyer rebuffed the accusation and stated his case.
成就:The victory was an amazing achievement.
瘾:Drug addiction is a huge problem for many people around the world.

缺席者:We'll send the absentees notes from the meeting.
会计:I'll need to ask my accountant for advice on this business deal.
原告/被告:The accuser should always try to understand the motivations of the accused.
成功者:Achievers tend to be outgoing people who don't mind making mistakes.
恍惚:The absent-minded professor wandered into the wrong classroom.
问责:Do you think we should hold everyone accountable for their mistakes?
职责:He's an accusing figure in the company and needs to go!
缺席:Unfortunately, I'll be absent from class on Friday.
账户:I think we should open a new bank account.